Motive power is a quintessential part of any railway operation, big or small. Prototype or Model Railroad. The locomotives for the OT are mostly inspired by the motive power used by the Arizona Copper Co. and the Detroit Copper Co. With a few small exceptions here and there. There is no set roster yet, or rather no set number of locomotives, but I will show what I do intend to have in the way of motive power.
First up are the small, but mighty "Kornut" Porters. The Kornut Porter was the smallest locomotive offered by the H.K. Porter Co. according to their spec they were 10ft long from end beam to end beam, with a 3ft wheel base and 18" diameter drivers. And also built to a gauge of 18". I have not found any photos of this tiny locomotive, but I have drawn what it may have looked like utilizing what I know (which isn't much) about Porter practice.
The color scheme is my own and the locomotive is not drawn to scale. Though I did add Lee Van Cleef as a "Scale Reference" to show the engine's general proportions. As for building it as an actual model my plan is to use the BCH (Big City Hobbies) HOn30 0-4-0 locomotive and widen the gauge to HOn3. The driver spacing and wheel diameters are virtually spot on for an On20 Kornut Porter. I have made up some scale drawings, but I have yet to scan them.
Next up is yet another Porter and it is also an 0-4-0, but it is quite large compared to the above.
This locomotive was inspired by ACC numbers 9 and 10. They were large, outside frame, 0-4-4 locos. I love their chunky proportions, but wasn't too fond of the rear truck, extended frame and fuel bunker. Using those locomotives as a base designed a freelance outside frame 0-4-0 Porter I have dubbed "Maud". I have already started preparing to construct this locomotive using an On3 18 Ton saddle tank Porter kit from Grandt Line. I will still need to fabricate a lot of components to make the bash work, but all in due time. The biggest concerns are finding an adequate motor and gear box.
One big soft spot I have for steam motive power are geared locomotives and one of my favorites is the Shay.
Sorry, don't have a colored one of this, yet. This is a concept I drew for a 20" gauge shay. I drew heavy inspiration from the Gilpin Tramway #1. To build it, I intend on using an old MDC HOn3 gauge Shay kit as a base. Wiseman Model Services produces some S scale conversion kits for the shay that would look perfectly proportional in O scale, aside from a few details. The cab will have to be built up and O scale details added, such as headlights and such.
So far this is what I have, but I'm always thinking up something new to add. Perhaps a Gas Mechanical perhaps? Or a vertical boiler loco? Who knows, so stay tuned!
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